(PHP 4, PHP 5)
set_magic_quotes_runtime — Sets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime
Set the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime.
This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.
FALSE for off, TRUE for on.
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
Example #1 set_magic_quotes_runtime() example
// Create a temporary file pointer
$fp = tmpfile();
// Write some data to the pointer
fwrite($fp, '\'PHP\' is a Recursive acronym');
// Without magic_quotes_runtime
echo 'Without magic_quotes_runtime: ' . fread($fp, 64), PHP_EOL;
// With magic_quotes_runtime
echo 'With magic_quotes_runtime: ' . fread($fp, 64), PHP_EOL;
// Clean up
The above example will output:
Without magic_quotes_runtime: 'PHP' is a Recursive acronym With magic_quotes_runtime: \'PHP\' is a Recursive acronym