/* * @(#)java_crw_demo.c 1.27 06/02/02 * * Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * -Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * -Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING * ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN MIDROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") * AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE * AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS * DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST * REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, * INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY * OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed, licensed or intended * for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any * nuclear facility. */ /* Class reader writer (java_crw_demo) for instrumenting bytecodes */ /* * As long as the callbacks allow for it and the class number is unique, * this code is completely re-entrant and any number of classfile * injections can happen at the same time. * * The current logic requires a unique number for this class instance * or (jclass,jobject loader) pair, this is done via the ClassIndex * in hprof, which is passed in as the 'unsigned cnum' to java_crw_demo(). * It's up to the user of this interface if it wants to use this * feature. * * Example Usage: See file test_crw.c. * */ #include #include #include /* Get Java and class file and bytecode information. */ #include #include "classfile_constants.h" /* Include our own interface for cross check */ #include "java_crw_demo.h" /* Macros over error functions to capture line numbers */ #define CRW_FATAL(ci, message) fatal_error(ci, message, __FILE__, __LINE__) #if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG) #define CRW_ASSERT(ci, cond) \ ((cond)?(void)0:assert_error(ci, #cond, __FILE__, __LINE__)) #else #define CRW_ASSERT(ci, cond) #endif #define CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi) CRW_ASSERT((mi)?(mi)->ci:NULL,(mi)!=NULL) #define CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci) CRW_ASSERT(ci, ( (ci) != NULL && \ (ci)->input_position <= (ci)->input_len && \ (ci)->output_position <= (ci)->output_len) ) /* Typedefs for various integral numbers, just for code clarity */ typedef unsigned ClassOpcode; /* One opcode */ typedef unsigned char ByteCode; /* One byte from bytecodes */ typedef int ByteOffset; /* Byte offset */ typedef int ClassConstant; /* Constant pool kind */ typedef long CrwPosition; /* Position in class image */ typedef unsigned short CrwCpoolIndex; /* Index into constant pool */ /* Misc support macros */ /* Given the position of an opcode, find the next 4byte boundary position */ #define NEXT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY(opcode_pos) (((opcode_pos)+4) & (~3)) #define LARGEST_INJECTION (12*3) /* 3 injections at same site */ #define MAXIMUM_NEW_CPOOL_ENTRIES 64 /* don't add more than 32 entries */ /* Constant Pool Entry (internal table that mirrors pool in file image) */ typedef struct { const char * ptr; /* Pointer to any string */ unsigned short len; /* Length of string */ unsigned int index1; /* 1st 16 bit index or 32bit value. */ unsigned int index2; /* 2nd 16 bit index or 32bit value. */ ClassConstant tag; /* Tag or kind of entry. */ } CrwConstantPoolEntry; struct MethodImage; /* Class file image storage structure */ typedef struct CrwClassImage { /* Unique class number for this class */ unsigned number; /* Name of class, given or gotten out of class image */ const char * name; /* Input and Output class images tracking */ const unsigned char * input; unsigned char * output; CrwPosition input_len; CrwPosition output_len; CrwPosition input_position; CrwPosition output_position; /* Mirrored constant pool */ CrwConstantPoolEntry * cpool; CrwCpoolIndex cpool_max_elements; /* Max count */ CrwCpoolIndex cpool_count_plus_one; /* Input flags about class (e.g. is it a system class) */ int system_class; /* Class access flags gotten from file. */ unsigned access_flags; /* Names of classes and methods. */ char* tclass_name; /* Name of class that has tracker methods. */ char* tclass_sig; /* Signature of class */ char* call_name; /* Method name to call at offset 0 */ char* call_sig; /* Signature of this method */ char* return_name; /* Method name to call before any return */ char* return_sig; /* Signature of this method */ char* obj_init_name; /* Method name to call in Object */ char* obj_init_sig; /* Signature of this method */ char* newarray_name; /* Method name to call after newarray opcodes */ char* newarray_sig; /* Signature of this method */ /* Constant pool index values for new entries */ CrwCpoolIndex tracker_class_index; CrwCpoolIndex object_init_tracker_index; CrwCpoolIndex newarray_tracker_index; CrwCpoolIndex call_tracker_index; CrwCpoolIndex return_tracker_index; CrwCpoolIndex class_number_index; /* Class number in pool */ /* Count of injections made into this class */ int injection_count; /* This class must be the java.lang.Object class */ jboolean is_object_class; /* This class must be the java.lang.Thread class */ jboolean is_thread_class; /* Callback functions */ FatalErrorHandler fatal_error_handler; MethodNumberRegister mnum_callback; /* Table of method names and descr's */ int method_count; const char ** method_name; const char ** method_descr; struct MethodImage * current_mi; } CrwClassImage; /* Injection bytecodes (holds injected bytecodes for each code position) */ typedef struct { ByteCode * code; ByteOffset len; } Injection; /* Method transformation data (allocated/freed as each method is processed) */ typedef struct MethodImage { /* Back reference to Class image data. */ CrwClassImage * ci; /* Unique method number for this class. */ unsigned number; /* Method name and descr */ const char * name; const char * descr; /* Map of input bytecode offsets to output bytecode offsets */ ByteOffset * map; /* Bytecode injections for each input bytecode offset */ Injection * injections; /* Widening setting for each input bytecode offset */ signed char * widening; /* Length of original input bytecodes. */ ByteOffset code_len; /* Location in input where bytecodes are located. */ CrwPosition start_of_input_bytecodes; /* Original max_stack and new max stack */ unsigned max_stack; unsigned new_max_stack; jboolean object_init_method; jboolean skip_call_return_sites; /* Method access flags gotten from file. */ unsigned access_flags; } MethodImage; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* General support functions (memory and error handling) */ static void fatal_error(CrwClassImage *ci, const char *message, const char *file, int line) { if ( ci != NULL && ci->fatal_error_handler != NULL ) { (*ci->fatal_error_handler)(message, file, line); } else { /* Normal operation should NEVER reach here */ /* NO CRW FATAL ERROR HANDLER! */ (void)fprintf(stderr, "CRW: %s [%s:%d]\n", message, file, line); abort(); } } #if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG) static void assert_error(CrwClassImage *ci, const char *condition, const char *file, int line) { char buf[512]; MethodImage *mi; ByteOffset byte_code_offset; mi = ci->current_mi; if ( mi != NULL ) { byte_code_offset = (ByteOffset)(mi->ci->input_position - mi->start_of_input_bytecodes); } else { byte_code_offset=-1; } (void)sprintf(buf, "CRW ASSERTION FAILURE: %s (%s:%s:%d)", condition, ci->name==0?"?":ci->name, mi->name==0?"?":mi->name, byte_code_offset); fatal_error(ci, buf, file, line); } #endif static void * allocate(CrwClassImage *ci, int nbytes) { void * ptr; ptr = malloc(nbytes); if ( ptr == NULL ) { CRW_FATAL(ci, "Ran out of malloc memory"); } return ptr; } static void * reallocate(CrwClassImage *ci, void *optr, int nbytes) { void * ptr; ptr = realloc(optr, nbytes); if ( ptr == NULL ) { CRW_FATAL(ci, "Ran out of malloc memory"); } return ptr; } static void * allocate_clean(CrwClassImage *ci, int nbytes) { void * ptr; ptr = calloc(nbytes, 1); if ( ptr == NULL ) { CRW_FATAL(ci, "Ran out of malloc memory"); } return ptr; } static const char * duplicate(CrwClassImage *ci, const char *str, int len) { char *copy; copy = (char*)allocate(ci, len+1); (void)memcpy(copy, str, len); copy[len] = 0; return (const char *)copy; } static void deallocate(CrwClassImage *ci, void *ptr) { (void)free(ptr); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Functions for reading/writing bytes to/from the class images */ static unsigned readU1(CrwClassImage *ci) { CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); return ((unsigned)(ci->input[ci->input_position++])) & 0xFF; } static unsigned readU2(CrwClassImage *ci) { unsigned res; res = readU1(ci); return (res << 8) + readU1(ci); } static signed short readS2(CrwClassImage *ci) { unsigned res; res = readU1(ci); return ((res << 8) + readU1(ci)) & 0xFFFF; } static unsigned readU4(CrwClassImage *ci) { unsigned res; res = readU2(ci); return (res << 16) + readU2(ci); } static void writeU1(CrwClassImage *ci, unsigned val) /* Only writes out lower 8 bits */ { CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); if ( ci->output != NULL ) { ci->output[ci->output_position++] = val & 0xFF; } } static void writeU2(CrwClassImage *ci, unsigned val) { writeU1(ci, val >> 8); writeU1(ci, val); } static void writeU4(CrwClassImage *ci, unsigned val) { writeU2(ci, val >> 16); writeU2(ci, val); } static unsigned copyU1(CrwClassImage *ci) { unsigned value; value = readU1(ci); writeU1(ci, value); return value; } static unsigned copyU2(CrwClassImage *ci) { unsigned value; value = readU2(ci); writeU2(ci, value); return value; } static unsigned copyU4(CrwClassImage *ci) { unsigned value; value = readU4(ci); writeU4(ci, value); return value; } static void copy(CrwClassImage *ci, unsigned count) { CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); if ( ci->output != NULL ) { (void)memcpy(ci->output+ci->output_position, ci->input+ci->input_position, count); ci->output_position += count; } ci->input_position += count; CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); } static void skip(CrwClassImage *ci, unsigned count) { CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); ci->input_position += count; } static void read_bytes(CrwClassImage *ci, void *bytes, unsigned count) { CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); CRW_ASSERT(ci, bytes!=NULL); (void)memcpy(bytes, ci->input+ci->input_position, count); ci->input_position += count; } static void write_bytes(CrwClassImage *ci, void *bytes, unsigned count) { CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); CRW_ASSERT(ci, bytes!=NULL); if ( ci->output != NULL ) { (void)memcpy(ci->output+ci->output_position, bytes, count); ci->output_position += count; } } static void random_writeU2(CrwClassImage *ci, CrwPosition pos, unsigned val) { CrwPosition save_position; CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); save_position = ci->output_position; ci->output_position = pos; writeU2(ci, val); ci->output_position = save_position; } static void random_writeU4(CrwClassImage *ci, CrwPosition pos, unsigned val) { CrwPosition save_position; CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); save_position = ci->output_position; ci->output_position = pos; writeU4(ci, val); ci->output_position = save_position; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Constant Pool handling functions. */ static void fillin_cpool_entry(CrwClassImage *ci, CrwCpoolIndex i, ClassConstant tag, unsigned int index1, unsigned int index2, const char *ptr, int len) { CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); CRW_ASSERT(ci, i > 0 && i < ci->cpool_count_plus_one); ci->cpool[i].tag = tag; ci->cpool[i].index1 = index1; ci->cpool[i].index2 = index2; ci->cpool[i].ptr = ptr; ci->cpool[i].len = (unsigned short)len; } static CrwCpoolIndex add_new_cpool_entry(CrwClassImage *ci, ClassConstant tag, unsigned int index1, unsigned int index2, const char *str, int len) { CrwCpoolIndex i; char *utf8 = NULL; CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); i = ci->cpool_count_plus_one++; /* NOTE: This implementation does not automatically expand the * constant pool table beyond the expected number needed * to handle this particular CrwTrackerInterface injections. * See MAXIMUM_NEW_CPOOL_ENTRIES */ CRW_ASSERT(ci, ci->cpool_count_plus_one < ci->cpool_max_elements ); writeU1(ci, tag); switch (tag) { case JVM_CONSTANT_Class: writeU2(ci, index1); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_String: writeU2(ci, index1); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref: case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref: case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: case JVM_CONSTANT_Integer: case JVM_CONSTANT_Float: case JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType: writeU2(ci, index1); writeU2(ci, index2); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Long: case JVM_CONSTANT_Double: writeU4(ci, index1); writeU4(ci, index2); ci->cpool_count_plus_one++; CRW_ASSERT(ci, ci->cpool_count_plus_one < ci->cpool_max_elements ); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8: CRW_ASSERT(ci, len==(len & 0xFFFF)); writeU2(ci, len); write_bytes(ci, (void*)str, len); utf8 = (char*)duplicate(ci, str, len); break; default: CRW_FATAL(ci, "Unknown constant"); break; } fillin_cpool_entry(ci, i, tag, index1, index2, (const char *)utf8, len); CRW_ASSERT(ci, i > 0 && i < ci->cpool_count_plus_one); return i; } static CrwCpoolIndex add_new_class_cpool_entry(CrwClassImage *ci, const char *class_name) { CrwCpoolIndex name_index; CrwCpoolIndex class_index; int len; CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); CRW_ASSERT(ci, class_name!=NULL); len = (int)strlen(class_name); name_index = add_new_cpool_entry(ci, JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8, len, 0, class_name, len); class_index = add_new_cpool_entry(ci, JVM_CONSTANT_Class, name_index, 0, NULL, 0); return class_index; } static CrwCpoolIndex add_new_method_cpool_entry(CrwClassImage *ci, CrwCpoolIndex class_index, const char *name, const char *descr) { CrwCpoolIndex name_index; CrwCpoolIndex descr_index; CrwCpoolIndex name_type_index; int len; CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); CRW_ASSERT(ci, name!=NULL); CRW_ASSERT(ci, descr!=NULL); len = (int)strlen(name); name_index = add_new_cpool_entry(ci, JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8, len, 0, name, len); len = (int)strlen(descr); descr_index = add_new_cpool_entry(ci, JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8, len, 0, descr, len); name_type_index = add_new_cpool_entry(ci, JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType, name_index, descr_index, NULL, 0); return add_new_cpool_entry(ci, JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref, class_index, name_type_index, NULL, 0); } static CrwConstantPoolEntry cpool_entry(CrwClassImage *ci, CrwCpoolIndex c_index) { CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); CRW_ASSERT(ci, c_index > 0 && c_index < ci->cpool_count_plus_one); return ci->cpool[c_index]; } static void cpool_setup(CrwClassImage *ci) { CrwCpoolIndex i; CrwPosition cpool_output_position; int count_plus_one; CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); cpool_output_position = ci->output_position; count_plus_one = copyU2(ci); CRW_ASSERT(ci, count_plus_one>1); ci->cpool_max_elements = count_plus_one+MAXIMUM_NEW_CPOOL_ENTRIES; ci->cpool = (CrwConstantPoolEntry*)allocate_clean(ci, (int)((ci->cpool_max_elements)*sizeof(CrwConstantPoolEntry))); ci->cpool_count_plus_one = (CrwCpoolIndex)count_plus_one; /* Index zero not in class file */ for (i = 1; i < count_plus_one; ++i) { CrwCpoolIndex ipos; ClassConstant tag; unsigned int index1; unsigned int index2; unsigned len; char * utf8; ipos = i; index1 = 0; index2 = 0; len = 0; utf8 = NULL; tag = copyU1(ci); switch (tag) { case JVM_CONSTANT_Class: index1 = copyU2(ci); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_String: index1 = copyU2(ci); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref: case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref: case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: case JVM_CONSTANT_Integer: case JVM_CONSTANT_Float: case JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType: index1 = copyU2(ci); index2 = copyU2(ci); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Long: case JVM_CONSTANT_Double: index1 = copyU4(ci); index2 = copyU4(ci); ++i; /* // these take two CP entries - duh! */ break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8: len = copyU2(ci); index1 = (unsigned short)len; utf8 = (char*)allocate(ci, len+1); read_bytes(ci, (void*)utf8, len); utf8[len] = 0; write_bytes(ci, (void*)utf8, len); break; default: CRW_FATAL(ci, "Unknown constant"); break; } fillin_cpool_entry(ci, ipos, tag, index1, index2, (const char *)utf8, len); } if (ci->call_name != NULL || ci->return_name != NULL) { if ( ci->number != (ci->number & 0x7FFF) ) { ci->class_number_index = add_new_cpool_entry(ci, JVM_CONSTANT_Integer, (ci->number>>16) & 0xFFFF, ci->number & 0xFFFF, NULL, 0); } } if ( ci->tclass_name != NULL ) { ci->tracker_class_index = add_new_class_cpool_entry(ci, ci->tclass_name); } if (ci->obj_init_name != NULL) { ci->object_init_tracker_index = add_new_method_cpool_entry(ci, ci->tracker_class_index, ci->obj_init_name, ci->obj_init_sig); } if (ci->newarray_name != NULL) { ci->newarray_tracker_index = add_new_method_cpool_entry(ci, ci->tracker_class_index, ci->newarray_name, ci->newarray_sig); } if (ci->call_name != NULL) { ci->call_tracker_index = add_new_method_cpool_entry(ci, ci->tracker_class_index, ci->call_name, ci->call_sig); } if (ci->return_name != NULL) { ci->return_tracker_index = add_new_method_cpool_entry(ci, ci->tracker_class_index, ci->return_name, ci->return_sig); } random_writeU2(ci, cpool_output_position, ci->cpool_count_plus_one); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Functions that create the bytecodes to inject */ static ByteOffset push_pool_constant_bytecodes(ByteCode *bytecodes, CrwCpoolIndex index) { ByteOffset nbytes = 0; if ( index == (index&0x7F) ) { bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)opc_ldc; } else { bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)opc_ldc_w; bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)((index >> 8) & 0xFF); } bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)(index & 0xFF); return nbytes; } static ByteOffset push_short_constant_bytecodes(ByteCode *bytecodes, unsigned number) { ByteOffset nbytes = 0; if ( number <= 5 ) { bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)(opc_iconst_0+number); } else if ( number == (number&0x7F) ) { bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)opc_bipush; bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)(number & 0xFF); } else { bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)opc_sipush; bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)((number >> 8) & 0xFF); bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)(number & 0xFF); } return nbytes; } static ByteOffset injection_template(MethodImage *mi, ByteCode *bytecodes, ByteOffset max_nbytes, CrwCpoolIndex method_index) { CrwClassImage * ci; ByteOffset nbytes = 0; unsigned max_stack; int add_dup; int add_aload; int push_cnum; int push_mnum; ci = mi->ci; CRW_ASSERT(ci, bytecodes!=NULL); if ( method_index == 0 ) { return 0; } if ( method_index == ci->newarray_tracker_index) { max_stack = mi->max_stack + 1; add_dup = JNI_TRUE; add_aload = JNI_FALSE; push_cnum = JNI_FALSE; push_mnum = JNI_FALSE; } else if ( method_index == ci->object_init_tracker_index) { max_stack = mi->max_stack + 1; add_dup = JNI_FALSE; add_aload = JNI_TRUE; push_cnum = JNI_FALSE; push_mnum = JNI_FALSE; } else { max_stack = mi->max_stack + 2; add_dup = JNI_FALSE; add_aload = JNI_FALSE; push_cnum = JNI_TRUE; push_mnum = JNI_TRUE; } if ( add_dup ) { bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)opc_dup; } if ( add_aload ) { bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)opc_aload_0; } if ( push_cnum ) { if ( ci->number == (ci->number & 0x7FFF) ) { nbytes += push_short_constant_bytecodes(bytecodes+nbytes, ci->number); } else { CRW_ASSERT(ci, ci->class_number_index!=0); nbytes += push_pool_constant_bytecodes(bytecodes+nbytes, ci->class_number_index); } } if ( push_mnum ) { nbytes += push_short_constant_bytecodes(bytecodes+nbytes, mi->number); } bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)opc_invokestatic; bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)(method_index >> 8); bytecodes[nbytes++] = (ByteCode)method_index; bytecodes[nbytes] = 0; CRW_ASSERT(ci, nbytes mi->new_max_stack ) { mi->new_max_stack = max_stack; } return nbytes; } /* Called to create injection code at entry to a method */ static ByteOffset entry_injection_code(MethodImage *mi, ByteCode *bytecodes, ByteOffset len) { CrwClassImage * ci; ByteOffset nbytes = 0; CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); ci = mi->ci; if ( mi->object_init_method ) { nbytes = injection_template(mi, bytecodes, len, ci->object_init_tracker_index); } if ( !mi->skip_call_return_sites ) { nbytes += injection_template(mi, bytecodes+nbytes, len-nbytes, ci->call_tracker_index); } return nbytes; } /* Called to create injection code before an opcode */ static ByteOffset before_injection_code(MethodImage *mi, ClassOpcode opcode, ByteCode *bytecodes, ByteOffset len) { ByteOffset nbytes = 0; CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); switch ( opcode ) { case opc_return: case opc_ireturn: case opc_lreturn: case opc_freturn: case opc_dreturn: case opc_areturn: if ( !mi->skip_call_return_sites ) { nbytes = injection_template(mi, bytecodes, len, mi->ci->return_tracker_index); } break; default: break; } return nbytes; } /* Called to create injection code after an opcode */ static ByteOffset after_injection_code(MethodImage *mi, ClassOpcode opcode, ByteCode *bytecodes, ByteOffset len) { CrwClassImage* ci; ByteOffset nbytes; ci = mi->ci; nbytes = 0; CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); switch ( opcode ) { case opc_new: /* Can't inject here cannot pass around uninitialized object */ break; case opc_newarray: case opc_anewarray: case opc_multianewarray: nbytes = injection_template(mi, bytecodes, len, ci->newarray_tracker_index); break; default: break; } return nbytes; } /* Actually inject the bytecodes */ static void inject_bytecodes(MethodImage *mi, ByteOffset at, ByteCode *bytecodes, ByteOffset len) { Injection injection; CrwClassImage *ci; ci = mi->ci; CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); CRW_ASSERT(ci, at <= mi->code_len); injection = mi->injections[at]; CRW_ASSERT(ci, len <= LARGEST_INJECTION/2); CRW_ASSERT(ci, injection.len+len <= LARGEST_INJECTION); /* Either start an injection area or concatenate to what is there */ if ( injection.code == NULL ) { CRW_ASSERT(ci, injection.len==0); injection.code = (ByteCode *)allocate_clean(ci, LARGEST_INJECTION+1); } (void)memcpy(injection.code+injection.len, bytecodes, len); injection.len += len; injection.code[injection.len] = 0; mi->injections[at] = injection; ci->injection_count++; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Method handling functions */ static MethodImage * method_init(CrwClassImage *ci, unsigned mnum, ByteOffset code_len) { MethodImage * mi; ByteOffset i; mi = (MethodImage*)allocate_clean(ci, (int)sizeof(MethodImage)); mi->ci = ci; mi->name = ci->method_name[mnum]; mi->descr = ci->method_descr[mnum]; mi->code_len = code_len; mi->map = (ByteOffset*)allocate_clean(ci, (int)((code_len+1)*sizeof(ByteOffset))); for(i=0; i<=code_len; i++) { mi->map[i] = i; } mi->widening = (signed char*)allocate_clean(ci, code_len+1); mi->injections = (Injection *)allocate_clean(ci, (int)((code_len+1)*sizeof(Injection))); mi->number = mnum; ci->current_mi = mi; return mi; } static void method_term(MethodImage *mi) { CrwClassImage *ci; ci = mi->ci; CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); if ( mi->map != NULL ) { deallocate(ci, (void*)mi->map); mi->map = NULL; } if ( mi->widening != NULL ) { deallocate(ci, (void*)mi->widening); mi->widening = NULL; } if ( mi->injections != NULL ) { ByteOffset i; for(i=0; i<= mi->code_len; i++) { if ( mi->injections[i].code != NULL ) { deallocate(ci, (void*)mi->injections[i].code); mi->injections[i].code = NULL; } } deallocate(ci, (void*)mi->injections); mi->injections = NULL; } ci->current_mi = NULL; deallocate(ci, (void*)mi); } static ByteOffset input_code_offset(MethodImage *mi) { CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); return (ByteOffset)(mi->ci->input_position - mi->start_of_input_bytecodes); } static void rewind_to_beginning_of_input_bytecodes(MethodImage *mi) { CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); mi->ci->input_position = mi->start_of_input_bytecodes; } /* Starting at original byte position 'at', add 'offset' to it's new * location. This may be a negative value. * NOTE: That this map is not the new bytecode location of the opcode * but the new bytecode location that should be used when * a goto or jump instruction was targeting the old bytecode * location. */ static void adjust_map(MethodImage *mi, ByteOffset at, ByteOffset offset) { ByteOffset i; CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); for (i = at; i <= mi->code_len; ++i) { mi->map[i] += offset; } } static void widen(MethodImage *mi, ByteOffset at, ByteOffset len) { int delta; CRW_ASSERT(mi->ci, at <= mi->code_len); delta = len - mi->widening[at]; /* Adjust everything from the current input location by delta */ adjust_map(mi, input_code_offset(mi), delta); /* Mark at beginning of instruction */ mi->widening[at] = (signed char)len; } static void verify_opc_wide(CrwClassImage *ci, ClassOpcode wopcode) { switch (wopcode) { case opc_aload: case opc_astore: case opc_fload: case opc_fstore: case opc_iload: case opc_istore: case opc_lload: case opc_lstore: case opc_dload: case opc_dstore: case opc_ret: case opc_iinc: break; default: CRW_FATAL(ci, "Invalid opcode supplied to opc_wide"); break; } } static unsigned opcode_length(CrwClassImage *ci, ClassOpcode opcode) { /* Define array that holds length of an opcode */ static unsigned char _opcode_length[opc_MAX+1] = JVM_OPCODE_LENGTH_INITIALIZER; if ( opcode > opc_MAX ) { CRW_FATAL(ci, "Invalid opcode supplied to opcode_length()"); } return _opcode_length[opcode]; } /* Walk one instruction and inject instrumentation */ static void inject_for_opcode(MethodImage *mi) { CrwClassImage * ci; ClassOpcode opcode; int pos; CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); ci = mi->ci; pos = input_code_offset(mi); opcode = readU1(ci); if (opcode == opc_wide) { ClassOpcode wopcode; wopcode = readU1(ci); /* lvIndex not used */ (void)readU2(ci); verify_opc_wide(ci, wopcode); if ( wopcode==opc_iinc ) { (void)readU1(ci); (void)readU1(ci); } } else { ByteCode bytecodes[LARGEST_INJECTION+1]; int header; int instr_len; int low; int high; int npairs; ByteOffset len; /* Get bytecodes to inject before this opcode */ len = before_injection_code(mi, opcode, bytecodes, (int)sizeof(bytecodes)); if ( len > 0 ) { inject_bytecodes(mi, pos, bytecodes, len); /* Adjust map after processing this opcode */ } /* Process this opcode */ switch (opcode) { case opc_tableswitch: header = NEXT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY(pos); skip(ci, header - (pos+1)); (void)readU4(ci); low = readU4(ci); high = readU4(ci); skip(ci, (high+1-low) * 4); break; case opc_lookupswitch: header = NEXT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY(pos); skip(ci, header - (pos+1)); (void)readU4(ci); npairs = readU4(ci); skip(ci, npairs * 8); break; default: instr_len = opcode_length(ci, opcode); skip(ci, instr_len-1); break; } /* Get position after this opcode is processed */ pos = input_code_offset(mi); /* Adjust for any before_injection_code() */ if ( len > 0 ) { /* Adjust everything past this opcode. * Why past it? Because we want any jumps to this bytecode loc * to go to the injected code, not where the opcode * was moved too. * Consider a 'return' opcode that is jumped too. * NOTE: This may not be correct in all cases, but will * when we are only dealing with non-variable opcodes * like the return opcodes. Be careful if the * before_injection_code() changes to include other * opcodes that have variable length. */ adjust_map(mi, pos, len); } /* Get bytecodes to inject after this opcode */ len = after_injection_code(mi, opcode, bytecodes, (int)sizeof(bytecodes)); if ( len > 0 ) { inject_bytecodes(mi, pos, bytecodes, len); /* Adjust for any after_injection_code() */ adjust_map(mi, pos, len); } } } /* Map original bytecode location to it's new location. (See adjust_map()). */ static ByteOffset method_code_map(MethodImage *mi, ByteOffset pos) { CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); CRW_ASSERT(mi->ci, pos <= mi->code_len); return mi->map[pos]; } static int adjust_instruction(MethodImage *mi) { CrwClassImage * ci; ClassOpcode opcode; int pos; int new_pos; CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); ci = mi->ci; pos = input_code_offset(mi); new_pos = method_code_map(mi,pos); opcode = readU1(ci); if (opcode == opc_wide) { ClassOpcode wopcode; wopcode = readU1(ci); /* lvIndex not used */ (void)readU2(ci); verify_opc_wide(ci, wopcode); if ( wopcode==opc_iinc ) { (void)readU1(ci); (void)readU1(ci); } } else { int widened; int header; int newHeader; int low; int high; int new_pad; int old_pad; int delta; int new_delta; int delta_pad; int npairs; int instr_len; switch (opcode) { case opc_tableswitch: widened = mi->widening[pos]; header = NEXT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY(pos); newHeader = NEXT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY(new_pos); skip(ci, header - (pos+1)); delta = readU4(ci); low = readU4(ci); high = readU4(ci); skip(ci, (high+1-low) * 4); new_pad = newHeader - new_pos; old_pad = header - pos; delta_pad = new_pad - old_pad; if (widened != delta_pad) { widen(mi, pos, delta_pad); return 0; } break; case opc_lookupswitch: widened = mi->widening[pos]; header = NEXT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY(pos); newHeader = NEXT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY(new_pos); skip(ci, header - (pos+1)); delta = readU4(ci); npairs = readU4(ci); skip(ci, npairs * 8); new_pad = newHeader - new_pos; old_pad = header - pos; delta_pad = new_pad - old_pad; if (widened != delta_pad) { widen(mi, pos, delta_pad); return 0; } break; case opc_jsr: case opc_goto: case opc_ifeq: case opc_ifge: case opc_ifgt: case opc_ifle: case opc_iflt: case opc_ifne: case opc_if_icmpeq: case opc_if_icmpne: case opc_if_icmpge: case opc_if_icmpgt: case opc_if_icmple: case opc_if_icmplt: case opc_if_acmpeq: case opc_if_acmpne: case opc_ifnull: case opc_ifnonnull: widened = mi->widening[pos]; delta = readS2(ci); if (widened == 0) { new_delta = method_code_map(mi,pos+delta) - new_pos; if ((new_delta < -32768) || (new_delta > 32767)) { switch (opcode) { case opc_jsr: case opc_goto: widen(mi, pos, 2); break; default: widen(mi, pos, 5); break; } return 0; } } break; case opc_jsr_w: case opc_goto_w: (void)readU4(ci); break; default: instr_len = opcode_length(ci, opcode); skip(ci, instr_len-1); break; } } return 1; } static void write_instruction(MethodImage *mi) { CrwClassImage * ci; ClassOpcode opcode; ByteOffset new_code_len; int pos; int new_pos; CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); ci = mi->ci; pos = input_code_offset(mi); new_pos = method_code_map(mi,pos); new_code_len = mi->injections[pos].len; if (new_code_len > 0) { write_bytes(ci, (void*)mi->injections[pos].code, new_code_len); } opcode = readU1(ci); if (opcode == opc_wide) { ClassOpcode wopcode; writeU1(ci, opcode); wopcode = copyU1(ci); /* lvIndex not used */ (void)copyU2(ci); verify_opc_wide(ci, wopcode); if ( wopcode==opc_iinc ) { (void)copyU1(ci); (void)copyU1(ci); } } else { ClassOpcode new_opcode; int header; int newHeader; int low; int high; int i; int npairs; int widened; int instr_len; int delta; int new_delta; switch (opcode) { case opc_tableswitch: header = NEXT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY(pos); newHeader = NEXT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY(new_pos); skip(ci, header - (pos+1)); delta = readU4(ci); new_delta = method_code_map(mi,pos+delta) - new_pos; low = readU4(ci); high = readU4(ci); writeU1(ci, opcode); for (i = new_pos+1; i < newHeader; ++i) { writeU1(ci, 0); } writeU4(ci, new_delta); writeU4(ci, low); writeU4(ci, high); for (i = low; i <= high; ++i) { delta = readU4(ci); new_delta = method_code_map(mi,pos+delta) - new_pos; writeU4(ci, new_delta); } break; case opc_lookupswitch: header = NEXT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY(pos); newHeader = NEXT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY(new_pos); skip(ci, header - (pos+1)); delta = readU4(ci); new_delta = method_code_map(mi,pos+delta) - new_pos; npairs = readU4(ci); writeU1(ci, opcode); for (i = new_pos+1; i < newHeader; ++i) { writeU1(ci, 0); } writeU4(ci, new_delta); writeU4(ci, npairs); for (i = 0; i< npairs; ++i) { unsigned match = readU4(ci); delta = readU4(ci); new_delta = method_code_map(mi,pos+delta) - new_pos; writeU4(ci, match); writeU4(ci, new_delta); } break; case opc_jsr: case opc_goto: case opc_ifeq: case opc_ifge: case opc_ifgt: case opc_ifle: case opc_iflt: case opc_ifne: case opc_if_icmpeq: case opc_if_icmpne: case opc_if_icmpge: case opc_if_icmpgt: case opc_if_icmple: case opc_if_icmplt: case opc_if_acmpeq: case opc_if_acmpne: case opc_ifnull: case opc_ifnonnull: widened = mi->widening[pos]; delta = readS2(ci); new_delta = method_code_map(mi,pos+delta) - new_pos; new_opcode = opcode; if (widened == 0) { writeU1(ci, opcode); writeU2(ci, new_delta); } else if (widened == 2) { switch (opcode) { case opc_jsr: new_opcode = opc_jsr_w; break; case opc_goto: new_opcode = opc_goto_w; break; default: CRW_FATAL(ci, "unexpected opcode"); break; } writeU1(ci, new_opcode); writeU4(ci, new_delta); } else if (widened == 5) { switch (opcode) { case opc_ifeq: new_opcode = opc_ifne; break; case opc_ifge: new_opcode = opc_iflt; break; case opc_ifgt: new_opcode = opc_ifle; break; case opc_ifle: new_opcode = opc_ifgt; break; case opc_iflt: new_opcode = opc_ifge; break; case opc_ifne: new_opcode = opc_ifeq; break; case opc_if_icmpeq: new_opcode = opc_if_icmpne; break; case opc_if_icmpne: new_opcode = opc_if_icmpeq; break; case opc_if_icmpge: new_opcode = opc_if_icmplt; break; case opc_if_icmpgt: new_opcode = opc_if_icmple; break; case opc_if_icmple: new_opcode = opc_if_icmpgt; break; case opc_if_icmplt: new_opcode = opc_if_icmpge; break; case opc_if_acmpeq: new_opcode = opc_if_acmpne; break; case opc_if_acmpne: new_opcode = opc_if_acmpeq; break; case opc_ifnull: new_opcode = opc_ifnonnull; break; case opc_ifnonnull: new_opcode = opc_ifnull; break; default: CRW_FATAL(ci, "Unexpected opcode"); break; } writeU1(ci, new_opcode); /* write inverse branch */ writeU2(ci, 3 + 5); /* beyond if and goto_w */ writeU1(ci, opc_goto_w); /* add a goto_w */ writeU4(ci, new_delta-3); /* write new and wide delta */ } else { CRW_FATAL(ci, "Unexpected widening"); } break; case opc_jsr_w: case opc_goto_w: delta = readU4(ci); new_delta = method_code_map(mi,pos+delta) - new_pos; writeU1(ci, opcode); writeU4(ci, new_delta); break; default: instr_len = opcode_length(ci, opcode); writeU1(ci, opcode); copy(ci, instr_len-1); break; } } } static void method_inject_and_write_code(MethodImage *mi) { ByteCode bytecodes[LARGEST_INJECTION+1]; ByteOffset len; CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); /* Do injections */ rewind_to_beginning_of_input_bytecodes(mi); len = entry_injection_code(mi, bytecodes, (int)sizeof(bytecodes)); if ( len > 0 ) { int pos; pos = 0; inject_bytecodes(mi, pos, bytecodes, len); /* Adjust pos 0 to map to new pos 0, you never want to * jump into this entry code injection. So the new pos 0 * will be past this entry_injection_code(). */ adjust_map(mi, pos, len); /* Inject before behavior */ } while (input_code_offset(mi) < mi->code_len) { inject_for_opcode(mi); } /* Adjust instructions */ rewind_to_beginning_of_input_bytecodes(mi); while (input_code_offset(mi) < mi->code_len) { if (!adjust_instruction(mi)) { rewind_to_beginning_of_input_bytecodes(mi); } } /* Write new instructions */ rewind_to_beginning_of_input_bytecodes(mi); while (input_code_offset(mi) < mi->code_len) { write_instruction(mi); } } static void copy_attribute(CrwClassImage *ci) { int len; (void)copyU2(ci); len = copyU4(ci); copy(ci, len); } static void copy_attributes(CrwClassImage *ci) { unsigned i; unsigned count; count = copyU2(ci); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { copy_attribute(ci); } } static void copy_all_fields(CrwClassImage *ci) { unsigned i; unsigned count; count = copyU2(ci); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { /* access, name, descriptor */ copy(ci, 6); copy_attributes(ci); } } static void write_line_table(MethodImage *mi) { unsigned i; unsigned count; CrwClassImage * ci; CRW_ASSERT_MI(mi); ci = mi->ci; (void)copyU4(ci); count = copyU2(ci); for(i=0; ici; (void)copyU4(ci); count = copyU2(ci); for(i=0; ici; count = copyU2(ci); for(i=0; ici; name_index = copyU2(ci); if ( attribute_match(ci, name_index, "LineNumberTable") ) { write_line_table(mi); } else if ( attribute_match(ci, name_index, "LocalVariableTable") ) { write_var_table(mi); } else if ( attribute_match(ci, name_index, "LocalVariableTypeTable") ) { write_var_table(mi); /* Exact same format as the LocalVariableTable */ } else { unsigned len; len = copyU4(ci); copy(ci, len); } } static int is_init_method(const char *name) { if ( name!=NULL && strcmp(name,"")==0 ) { return JNI_TRUE; } return JNI_FALSE; } static int is_clinit_method(const char *name) { if ( name!=NULL && strcmp(name,"")==0 ) { return JNI_TRUE; } return JNI_FALSE; } static int is_finalize_method(const char *name) { if ( name!=NULL && strcmp(name,"finalize")==0 ) { return JNI_TRUE; } return JNI_FALSE; } static int skip_method(CrwClassImage *ci, const char *name, unsigned access_flags, ByteOffset code_len, int system_class, jboolean *pskip_call_return_sites) { *pskip_call_return_sites = JNI_FALSE; if ( system_class ) { if ( code_len == 1 && is_init_method(name) ) { return JNI_TRUE; } else if ( code_len == 1 && is_finalize_method(name) ) { return JNI_TRUE; } else if ( is_clinit_method(name) ) { return JNI_TRUE; } else if ( ci->is_thread_class && strcmp(name,"currentThread")==0 ) { return JNI_TRUE; } /* if ( access_flags & JVM_ACC_PRIVATE ) { *pskip_call_return_sites = JNI_TRUE; } */ } return JNI_FALSE; } /* Process all code attributes */ static void method_write_bytecodes(CrwClassImage *ci, unsigned mnum, unsigned access_flags) { CrwPosition output_attr_len_position; CrwPosition output_max_stack_position; CrwPosition output_code_len_position; CrwPosition start_of_output_bytecodes; unsigned i; unsigned attr_len; unsigned max_stack; ByteOffset code_len; ByteOffset new_code_len; unsigned attr_count; unsigned new_attr_len; MethodImage * mi; jboolean object_init_method; jboolean skip_call_return_sites; CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); /* Attribute Length */ output_attr_len_position = ci->output_position; attr_len = copyU4(ci); /* Max Stack */ output_max_stack_position = ci->output_position; max_stack = copyU2(ci); /* Max Locals */ (void)copyU2(ci); /* Code Length */ output_code_len_position = ci->output_position; code_len = copyU4(ci); start_of_output_bytecodes = ci->output_position; /* Some methods should not be instrumented */ object_init_method = JNI_FALSE; skip_call_return_sites = JNI_FALSE; if ( ci->is_object_class && is_init_method(ci->method_name[mnum]) && strcmp(ci->method_descr[mnum],"()V")==0 ) { object_init_method = JNI_TRUE; skip_call_return_sites = JNI_TRUE; } else if ( skip_method(ci, ci->method_name[mnum], access_flags, code_len, ci->system_class, &skip_call_return_sites) ) { /* Copy remainder minus already copied, the U2 max_stack, * U2 max_locals, and U4 code_length fields have already * been processed. */ copy(ci, attr_len - (2+2+4)); return; } /* Start Injection */ mi = method_init(ci, mnum, code_len); mi->object_init_method = object_init_method; mi->access_flags = access_flags; mi->skip_call_return_sites = skip_call_return_sites; /* Save the current position as the start of the input bytecodes */ mi->start_of_input_bytecodes = ci->input_position; /* The max stack may increase */ mi->max_stack = max_stack; mi->new_max_stack = max_stack; /* Adjust all code offsets */ method_inject_and_write_code(mi); /* Fix up code length */ new_code_len = (int)(ci->output_position - start_of_output_bytecodes); random_writeU4(ci, output_code_len_position, new_code_len); /* Fixup max stack */ CRW_ASSERT(ci, mi->new_max_stack <= 0xFFFF); random_writeU2(ci, output_max_stack_position, mi->new_max_stack); /* Copy exception table */ method_write_exception_table(mi); /* Copy code attributes */ attr_count = copyU2(ci); for (i = 0; i < attr_count; ++i) { method_write_code_attribute(mi); } /* Fix up attribute length */ new_attr_len = (int)(ci->output_position - (output_attr_len_position + 4)); random_writeU4(ci, output_attr_len_position, new_attr_len); /* Free method data */ method_term(mi); mi = NULL; } static void method_write(CrwClassImage *ci, unsigned mnum) { unsigned i; unsigned access_flags; CrwCpoolIndex name_index; CrwCpoolIndex descr_index; unsigned attr_count; access_flags = copyU2(ci); name_index = copyU2(ci); ci->method_name[mnum] = cpool_entry(ci, name_index).ptr; descr_index = copyU2(ci); ci->method_descr[mnum] = cpool_entry(ci, descr_index).ptr; attr_count = copyU2(ci); for (i = 0; i < attr_count; ++i) { CrwCpoolIndex name_index; name_index = copyU2(ci); if ( attribute_match(ci, name_index, "Code") ) { method_write_bytecodes(ci, mnum, access_flags); } else { unsigned len; len = copyU4(ci); copy(ci, len); } } } static void method_write_all(CrwClassImage *ci) { unsigned i; unsigned count; count = copyU2(ci); ci->method_count = count; if ( count > 0 ) { ci->method_name = (const char **)allocate_clean(ci, count*(int)sizeof(const char*)); ci->method_descr = (const char **)allocate_clean(ci, count*(int)sizeof(const char*)); } for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { method_write(ci, i); } if ( ci->mnum_callback != NULL ) { (*(ci->mnum_callback))(ci->number, ci->method_name, ci->method_descr, count); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cleanup function. */ static void cleanup(CrwClassImage *ci) { CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); if ( ci->name != NULL ) { deallocate(ci, (void*)ci->name); ci->name = NULL; } if ( ci->method_name != NULL ) { deallocate(ci, (void*)ci->method_name); ci->method_name = NULL; } if ( ci->method_descr != NULL ) { deallocate(ci, (void*)ci->method_descr); ci->method_descr = NULL; } if ( ci->cpool != NULL ) { CrwCpoolIndex i; for(i=0; icpool_count_plus_one; i++) { if ( ci->cpool[i].ptr != NULL ) { deallocate(ci, (void*)(ci->cpool[i].ptr)); ci->cpool[i].ptr = NULL; } } deallocate(ci, (void*)ci->cpool); ci->cpool = NULL; } } static jboolean skip_class(unsigned access_flags) { if ( access_flags & JVM_ACC_INTERFACE ) { return JNI_TRUE; } return JNI_FALSE; } static long inject_class(struct CrwClassImage *ci, int system_class, char* tclass_name, char* tclass_sig, char* call_name, char* call_sig, char* return_name, char* return_sig, char* obj_init_name, char* obj_init_sig, char* newarray_name, char* newarray_sig, unsigned char *buf, long buf_len) { CrwConstantPoolEntry cs; CrwCpoolIndex this_class; CrwCpoolIndex super_class; unsigned magic; unsigned classfileVersion; unsigned interface_count; CRW_ASSERT_CI(ci); CRW_ASSERT(ci, buf!=NULL); CRW_ASSERT(ci, buf_len!=0); CRW_ASSERT(ci, strchr(tclass_name,'.')==NULL); /* internal qualified name */ ci->injection_count = 0; ci->system_class = system_class; ci->tclass_name = tclass_name; ci->tclass_sig = tclass_sig; ci->call_name = call_name; ci->call_sig = call_sig; ci->return_name = return_name; ci->return_sig = return_sig; ci->obj_init_name = obj_init_name; ci->obj_init_sig = obj_init_sig; ci->newarray_name = newarray_name; ci->newarray_sig = newarray_sig; ci->output = buf; ci->output_len = buf_len; magic = copyU4(ci); CRW_ASSERT(ci, magic==0xCAFEBABE); if ( magic != 0xCAFEBABE ) { return (long)0; } /* minor version number not used */ (void)copyU2(ci); /* major version number not used */ classfileVersion = copyU2(ci); CRW_ASSERT(ci, classfileVersion <= 49); /* Tiger class files or less */ cpool_setup(ci); ci->access_flags = copyU2(ci); if ( skip_class(ci->access_flags) ) { return (long)0; } this_class = copyU2(ci); cs = cpool_entry(ci, (CrwCpoolIndex)(cpool_entry(ci, this_class).index1)); if ( ci->name == NULL ) { ci->name = duplicate(ci, cs.ptr, cs.len); CRW_ASSERT(ci, strchr(ci->name,'.')==NULL); /* internal qualified name */ } CRW_ASSERT(ci, (int)strlen(ci->name)==cs.len && strncmp(ci->name, cs.ptr, cs.len)==0); super_class = copyU2(ci); if ( super_class == 0 ) { ci->is_object_class = JNI_TRUE; CRW_ASSERT(ci, strcmp(ci->name,"java/lang/Object")==0); } interface_count = copyU2(ci); copy(ci, interface_count * 2); copy_all_fields(ci); method_write_all(ci); if ( ci->injection_count == 0 ) { return (long)0; } copy_attributes(ci); return (long)ci->output_position; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Exported interfaces */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL java_crw_demo(unsigned class_number, const char *name, const unsigned char *file_image, long file_len, int system_class, char* tclass_name, /* Name of class that has tracker methods. */ char* tclass_sig, /* Signature of tclass */ char* call_name, /* Method name to call at offset 0 */ char* call_sig, /* Signature of this method */ char* return_name, /* Method name to call before any return */ char* return_sig, /* Signature of this method */ char* obj_init_name, /* Method name to call in Object */ char* obj_init_sig, /* Signature of this method */ char* newarray_name, /* Method name to call after newarray opcodes */ char* newarray_sig, /* Signature of this method */ unsigned char **pnew_file_image, long *pnew_file_len, FatalErrorHandler fatal_error_handler, MethodNumberRegister mnum_callback) { CrwClassImage ci; long max_length; long new_length; void *new_image; int len; /* Initial setup of the CrwClassImage structure */ (void)memset(&ci, 0, (int)sizeof(CrwClassImage)); ci.fatal_error_handler = fatal_error_handler; ci.mnum_callback = mnum_callback; /* Do some interface error checks */ if ( pnew_file_image==NULL ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "pnew_file_image==NULL"); } if ( pnew_file_len==NULL ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "pnew_file_len==NULL"); } /* No file length means do nothing */ *pnew_file_image = NULL; *pnew_file_len = 0; if ( file_len==0 ) { return; } /* Do some more interface error checks */ if ( file_image == NULL ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "file_image == NULL"); } if ( file_len < 0 ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "file_len < 0"); } if ( system_class != 0 && system_class != 1 ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "system_class is not 0 or 1"); } if ( tclass_name == NULL ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "tclass_name == NULL"); } if ( tclass_sig == NULL || tclass_sig[0]!='L' ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "tclass_sig is not a valid class signature"); } len = (int)strlen(tclass_sig); if ( tclass_sig[len-1]!=';' ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "tclass_sig is not a valid class signature"); } if ( call_name != NULL ) { if ( call_sig == NULL || strcmp(call_sig, "(II)V") != 0 ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "call_sig is not (II)V"); } } if ( return_name != NULL ) { if ( return_sig == NULL || strcmp(return_sig, "(II)V") != 0 ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "return_sig is not (II)V"); } } if ( obj_init_name != NULL ) { if ( obj_init_sig == NULL || strcmp(obj_init_sig, "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V") != 0 ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "obj_init_sig is not (Ljava/lang/Object;)V"); } } if ( newarray_name != NULL ) { if ( newarray_sig == NULL || strcmp(newarray_sig, "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V") != 0 ) { CRW_FATAL(&ci, "newarray_sig is not (Ljava/lang/Object;)V"); } } /* Finish setup the CrwClassImage structure */ ci.is_thread_class = JNI_FALSE; if ( name != NULL ) { CRW_ASSERT(&ci, strchr(name,'.')==NULL); /* internal qualified name */ ci.name = duplicate(&ci, name, (int)strlen(name)); if ( strcmp(name, "java/lang/Thread")==0 ) { ci.is_thread_class = JNI_TRUE; } } ci.number = class_number; ci.input = file_image; ci.input_len = file_len; /* Do the injection */ max_length = file_len*2 + 512; /* Twice as big + 512 */ new_image = allocate(&ci, (int)max_length); new_length = inject_class(&ci, system_class, tclass_name, tclass_sig, call_name, call_sig, return_name, return_sig, obj_init_name, obj_init_sig, newarray_name, newarray_sig, new_image, max_length); /* Dispose or shrink the space to be returned. */ if ( new_length == 0 ) { deallocate(&ci, (void*)new_image); new_image = NULL; } else { new_image = (void*)reallocate(&ci, (void*)new_image, (int)new_length); } /* Return the new class image */ *pnew_file_image = (unsigned char *)new_image; *pnew_file_len = (long)new_length; /* Cleanup before we leave. */ cleanup(&ci); } /* Return the classname for this class which is inside the classfile image. */ JNIEXPORT char * JNICALL java_crw_demo_classname(const unsigned char *file_image, long file_len, FatalErrorHandler fatal_error_handler) { CrwClassImage ci; CrwConstantPoolEntry cs; CrwCpoolIndex this_class; unsigned magic; char * name; name = NULL; if ( file_len==0 || file_image==NULL ) { return name; } /* The only fields we need filled in are the image pointer and the error * handler. * By not adding an output buffer pointer, no output is created. */ (void)memset(&ci, 0, (int)sizeof(CrwClassImage)); ci.input = file_image; ci.input_len = file_len; ci.fatal_error_handler = fatal_error_handler; /* Read out the bytes from the classfile image */ magic = readU4(&ci); /* magic number */ CRW_ASSERT(&ci, magic==0xCAFEBABE); if ( magic != 0xCAFEBABE ) { return name; } (void)readU2(&ci); /* minor version number */ (void)readU2(&ci); /* major version number */ /* Read in constant pool. Since no output setup, writes are NOP's */ cpool_setup(&ci); (void)readU2(&ci); /* access flags */ this_class = readU2(&ci); /* 'this' class */ /* Get 'this' constant pool entry */ cs = cpool_entry(&ci, (CrwCpoolIndex)(cpool_entry(&ci, this_class).index1)); /* Duplicate the name */ name = (char *)duplicate(&ci, cs.ptr, cs.len); /* Cleanup before we leave. */ cleanup(&ci); /* Return malloc space */ return name; }