java_crw_demo Library: @(#)README.txt 1.7 04/06/23 The library java_crw_demo is a small C library that is used by HPROF and other agent libraries to do some very basic bytecode insertion (BCI) of class files. This is not an agent library but a general purpose library that can be used to do some very limited bytecode insertion. In the demo sources, look for the use of java_crw_demo.h and the C function java_crw_demo(). The java_crw_demo library is provided as part of the JRE. The basic BCI that this library does includes: * On entry to the java.lang.Object init method (signature "()V"), a invokestatic call to tclass.obj_init_method(object); is inserted. * On any newarray type opcode, immediately following it, the array object is duplicated on the stack and an invokestatic call to tclass.newarray_method(object); is inserted. * On entry to all methods, a invokestatic call to tclass.call_method(cnum,mnum); is inserted. The agent can map the two integers (cnum,mnum) to a method in a class, the cnum is the number provided to the java_crw_demo library when the classfile was modified. * On return from any method (any return opcode), a invokestatic call to tclass.return_method(cnum,mnum); is inserted. Some methods are not modified at all, init methods and finalize methods whose length is 1 will not be modified. Classes that are designated "system" will not have their clinit methods modified. In addition, the method java.lang.Thread.currentThread() is not modified. No methods or fields will be added to any class, however new constant pool entries will be added at the end of the original constant pool table. The exception, line, and local variable tables for each method is adjusted for the modification. The bytecodes are compressed to use smaller offsets and the fewest 'wide' opcodes. All attempts are made to minimize the number of bytecodes at each insertion site, however, classes with N return opcodes or N newarray opcodes will get N insertions. And only the necessary modification dictated by the input arguments to java_crw_demo are actually made.