The four examples in this directory show how to use some of the features of the JTable component. TableExample: This application includes a GUI for configuring the database connection and specifying the query. TableExample2: The query and database connection are specified at the command line. The results are displayed in a JTable. TableExample3: Is a minimal example showing how to plug a generic sorter into the JTable. TableExample4: Uses specialized renderers and editors. TableExample3 and TableExample4 do not depend on database connectivity and can be compiled and run in the normal way. The most interesting example is probably TableExample, which has a TextArea that can be used as an editor for an SQL expression. Pressing the Fetch button sends the expression to the database. The results are displayed in the JTable underneath the text area. To run TableExample and TableExample2, you need to find a driver for your database and set the environment variable JDBCHOME to a directory where the driver is installed. See the following URL for a list of JDBC drivers provided by third party vendors: Once you find the driver, you can run one of the database examples by specifying a class path that includes the JDBC classes and the example classes. For example: java -classpath $(JDBCHOME):TableExample.jar TableExample These instructions assume that this installation's version of the java command is in your path. If it isn't, then you should either specify the complete path to the java command or update your PATH environment variable as described in the installation instructions for the Java 2 SDK.