/* * @(#)Font2DTest.java 1.25 04/07/26 * * Copyright (c) 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * -Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * -Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING * ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN MIDROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") * AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE * AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS * DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST * REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, * INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY * OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed, licensed or intended * for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any * nuclear facility. */ /* * @(#)Font2DTest.java 1.25 04/07/26 */ import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.CheckboxGroup; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.swing.*; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageDecoder; /** * Font2DTest.java * * @version @(#)Font2DTest.java 1.2 00/08/22 * @author Shinsuke Fukuda * @author Ankit Patel [Conversion to Swing - 01/07/30] */ /// Main Font2DTest Class public final class Font2DTest extends JPanel implements ActionListener, ItemListener { /// JFrame that will contain Font2DTest private final JFrame parent; /// FontPanel class that will contain all graphical output private final FontPanel fp; /// RangeMenu class that contains info about the unicode ranges private final RangeMenu rm; /// Other menus to set parameters for text drawing private final ChoiceV2 fontMenu; private final JTextField sizeField; private final ChoiceV2 styleMenu; private final ChoiceV2 textMenu; private int currentTextChoice = 0; private final ChoiceV2 transformMenu; private final ChoiceV2 transformMenuG2; private final ChoiceV2 methodsMenu; private final JCheckBox useAntialiasCB; private final JCheckBox useFractionalCB; /// CheckboxMenuItems private CheckboxMenuItemV2 displayGridCBMI; private CheckboxMenuItemV2 force16ColsCBMI; private CheckboxMenuItemV2 showFontInfoCBMI; /// JDialog boxes private JDialog userTextDialog; private JTextArea userTextArea; private JDialog printDialog; private JDialog fontInfoDialog; private LabelV2 fontInfos[] = new LabelV2[2]; private JFileChooser filePromptDialog = null; private ButtonGroup printCBGroup; private JRadioButton printModeCBs[] = new JRadioButton[3]; /// Status bar private final LabelV2 statusBar; /// Universal font used for labels private final Font labelFont = new Font( "dialog", Font.BOLD, 12 ); /// Text filename private String tFileName; /// Initialize GUI variables and its layouts public Font2DTest( JFrame f, boolean isApplet ) { parent = f; rm = new RangeMenu( this, parent ); fp = new FontPanel( this, parent ); statusBar = new LabelV2(""); fontMenu = new ChoiceV2( this ); sizeField = new JTextField( "12", 3 ); styleMenu = new ChoiceV2( this ); textMenu = new ChoiceV2( ); // listener added later transformMenu = new ChoiceV2( this ); transformMenuG2 = new ChoiceV2( this ); methodsMenu = new ChoiceV2( this ); useAntialiasCB = new JCheckBox( "Antialiasing", false ); useFractionalCB = new JCheckBox(" Fractional Metrics", false ); useAntialiasCB.setFont( labelFont ); useFractionalCB.setFont( labelFont ); sizeField.addActionListener( this ); useAntialiasCB.addItemListener( this ); useFractionalCB.addItemListener( this ); setupPanel(); setupMenu( isApplet ); setupDialog( isApplet ); } /// Set up the main interface panel private void setupPanel() { GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gbc.weightx = 1; gbc.insets = new Insets( 2, 0, 2, 2 ); this.setLayout( gbl ); addLabeledComponentToGBL( "Font:", fontMenu, gbl, gbc, this ); addLabeledComponentToGBL( "Size:", sizeField, gbl, gbc, this ); gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; addLabeledComponentToGBL( "Transform:", transformMenu, gbl, gbc, this ); gbc.gridwidth = 1; addLabeledComponentToGBL( "Range:", rm, gbl, gbc, this ); addLabeledComponentToGBL( "Style:", styleMenu, gbl, gbc, this ); gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; addLabeledComponentToGBL( "Text to use:", textMenu, gbl, gbc, this ); gbc.gridwidth = 1; /// ABP addLabeledComponentToGBL( "Method:", methodsMenu, gbl, gbc, this ); gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; addLabeledComponentToGBL( "Graphics2D Transform:", transformMenuG2, gbl, gbc, this ); gbc.gridwidth = 1; gbc.gridwidth = 2; gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; gbl.setConstraints( useAntialiasCB, gbc ); this.add( useAntialiasCB ); gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gbl.setConstraints( useFractionalCB, gbc ); this.add( useFractionalCB ); gbc.weightx = 1; gbc.weighty = 1; gbc.insets = new Insets( 2, 0, 0, 2 ); gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gbl.setConstraints( fp, gbc ); this.add( fp ); gbc.weighty = 0; gbc.insets = new Insets( 0, 2, 0, 0 ); gbl.setConstraints( statusBar, gbc ); this.add( statusBar ); } /// Adds a component to a container with a label to its left in GridBagLayout private void addLabeledComponentToGBL( String name, JComponent c, GridBagLayout gbl, GridBagConstraints gbc, Container target ) { LabelV2 l = new LabelV2( name ); GridBagConstraints gbcLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc.clone(); gbcLabel.insets = new Insets( 2, 2, 2, 0 ); gbcLabel.gridwidth = 1; gbcLabel.weightx = 0; if ( c == null ) c = new JLabel( "" ); gbl.setConstraints( l, gbcLabel ); target.add( l ); gbl.setConstraints( c, gbc ); target.add( c ); } /// Sets up menu entries private void setupMenu( boolean isApplet ) { JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu( "File" ); JMenu optionMenu = new JMenu( "Option" ); fileMenu.add( new MenuItemV2( "Save Selected Options...", this )); fileMenu.add( new MenuItemV2( "Load Options...", this )); fileMenu.addSeparator(); fileMenu.add( new MenuItemV2( "Save as JPEG...", this )); fileMenu.add( new MenuItemV2( "Load JPEG File to Compare...", this )); fileMenu.add( new MenuItemV2( "Page Setup...", this )); fileMenu.add( new MenuItemV2( "Print...", this )); fileMenu.addSeparator(); if ( !isApplet ) fileMenu.add( new MenuItemV2( "Exit", this )); else fileMenu.add( new MenuItemV2( "Close", this )); displayGridCBMI = new CheckboxMenuItemV2( "Display Grid", true, this ); force16ColsCBMI = new CheckboxMenuItemV2( "Force 16 Columns", false, this ); showFontInfoCBMI = new CheckboxMenuItemV2( "Display Font Info", false, this ); optionMenu.add( displayGridCBMI ); optionMenu.add( force16ColsCBMI ); optionMenu.add( showFontInfoCBMI ); JMenuBar mb = parent.getJMenuBar(); if ( mb == null ) mb = new JMenuBar(); mb.add( fileMenu ); mb.add( optionMenu ); parent.setJMenuBar( mb ); String fontList[] = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); for ( int i = 0; i < fontList.length; i++ ) fontMenu.addItem( fontList[i] ); fontMenu.setSelectedItem( "Dialog" ); styleMenu.addItem( "Plain" ); styleMenu.addItem( "Bold" ); styleMenu.addItem( "Italic" ); styleMenu.addItem( "Bold Italic" ); transformMenu.addItem( "None" ); transformMenu.addItem( "Scale" ); transformMenu.addItem( "Shear" ); transformMenu.addItem( "Rotate" ); transformMenuG2.addItem( "None" ); transformMenuG2.addItem( "Scale" ); transformMenuG2.addItem( "Shear" ); transformMenuG2.addItem( "Rotate" ); methodsMenu.addItem( "drawString" ); methodsMenu.addItem( "drawChars" ); methodsMenu.addItem( "drawBytes" ); methodsMenu.addItem( "drawGlyphVector" ); methodsMenu.addItem( "TextLayout.draw" ); methodsMenu.addItem( "GlyphVector.getOutline + draw" ); methodsMenu.addItem( "TextLayout.getOutline + draw" ); textMenu.addItem( "Unicode Range" ); textMenu.addItem( "All Glyphs" ); textMenu.addItem( "User Text" ); textMenu.addItem( "Text File" ); textMenu.addActionListener ( this ); // listener added later so unneeded events not thrown } /// Sets up the all dialogs used in Font2DTest... private void setupDialog( boolean isApplet ) { if (!isApplet) filePromptDialog = new JFileChooser( ); else filePromptDialog = null; /// Prepare user text dialog... userTextDialog = new JDialog( parent, "User Text", false ); JPanel dialogTopPanel = new JPanel(); JPanel dialogBottomPanel = new JPanel(); LabelV2 message1 = new LabelV2( "Enter text below and then press update" ); LabelV2 message2 = new LabelV2( "(Unicode char can be denoted by \\uXXXX)" ); LabelV2 message3 = new LabelV2( "(Supplementary chars can be denoted by \\UXXXXXX)" ); userTextArea = new JTextArea( "Java2D!" ); ButtonV2 bUpdate = new ButtonV2( "Update", this ); userTextArea.setFont( new Font( "dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12 )); dialogTopPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( 3, 1 )); dialogTopPanel.add( message1 ); dialogTopPanel.add( message2 ); dialogTopPanel.add( message3 ); dialogBottomPanel.add( bUpdate ); //ABP JScrollPane userTextAreaSP = new JScrollPane(userTextArea); userTextAreaSP.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 100)); userTextDialog.getContentPane().setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); userTextDialog.getContentPane().add( "North", dialogTopPanel ); userTextDialog.getContentPane().add( "Center", userTextAreaSP ); userTextDialog.getContentPane().add( "South", dialogBottomPanel ); userTextDialog.pack(); userTextDialog.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) { userTextDialog.hide(); } }); /// Prepare printing dialog... printCBGroup = new ButtonGroup(); printModeCBs[ fp.ONE_PAGE ] = new JRadioButton( "Print one page from currently displayed character/line", true ); printModeCBs[ fp.CUR_RANGE ] = new JRadioButton( "Print all characters in currently selected range", false ); printModeCBs[ fp.ALL_TEXT ] = new JRadioButton( "Print all lines of text", false ); LabelV2 l = new LabelV2( "Note: Page range in native \"Print\" dialog will not affect the result" ); JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); printModeCBs[ fp.ALL_TEXT ].setEnabled( false ); buttonPanel.add( new ButtonV2( "Print", this )); buttonPanel.add( new ButtonV2( "Cancel", this )); printDialog = new JDialog( parent, "Print...", true ); printDialog.setResizable( false ); printDialog.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) { printDialog.hide(); } }); printDialog.getContentPane().setLayout( new GridLayout( printModeCBs.length + 2, 1 )); printDialog.getContentPane().add( l ); for ( int i = 0; i < printModeCBs.length; i++ ) { printModeCBs[i].setFont( labelFont ); printCBGroup.add( printModeCBs[i] ); printDialog.getContentPane().add( printModeCBs[i] ); } printDialog.getContentPane().add( buttonPanel ); printDialog.pack(); /// Prepare font information dialog... fontInfoDialog = new JDialog( parent, "Font info", false ); fontInfoDialog.setResizable( false ); fontInfoDialog.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) { fontInfoDialog.hide(); showFontInfoCBMI.setState( false ); } }); JPanel fontInfoPanel = new JPanel(); fontInfoPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( fontInfos.length, 1 )); for ( int i = 0; i < fontInfos.length; i++ ) { fontInfos[i] = new LabelV2(""); fontInfoPanel.add( fontInfos[i] ); } fontInfoDialog.getContentPane().add( fontInfoPanel ); /// Move the location of the dialog... userTextDialog.setLocation( 200, 300 ); fontInfoDialog.setLocation( 0, 400 ); } /// RangeMenu object signals using this function /// when Unicode range has been changed and text needs to be redrawn public void fireRangeChanged() { int range[] = rm.getSelectedRange(); fp.setTextToDraw( fp.RANGE_TEXT, range, null, null ); if ( showFontInfoCBMI.getState() ) fireUpdateFontInfo(); } /// Changes the message on the status bar public void fireChangeStatus( String message, boolean error ) { /// If this is not ran as an applet, use own status bar, /// Otherwise, use the appletviewer/browser's status bar statusBar.setText( message ); if ( error ) fp.showingError = true; else fp.showingError = false; } /// Updates the information about the selected font public void fireUpdateFontInfo() { if ( showFontInfoCBMI.getState() ) { String infos[] = fp.getFontInfo(); for ( int i = 0; i < fontInfos.length; i++ ) fontInfos[i].setText( infos[i] ); fontInfoDialog.pack(); } } /// Displays a file load/save dialog and returns the specified file private String promptFile( boolean isSave, String initFileName ) { int retVal; String str; /// ABP if ( filePromptDialog == null) return null; if ( isSave ) { filePromptDialog.setDialogType( JFileChooser.SAVE_DIALOG ); filePromptDialog.setDialogTitle( "Save..." ); str = "Save"; } else { filePromptDialog.setDialogType( JFileChooser.OPEN_DIALOG ); filePromptDialog.setDialogTitle( "Load..." ); str = "Load"; } if (initFileName != null) filePromptDialog.setSelectedFile( new File( initFileName ) ); retVal = filePromptDialog.showDialog( this, str ); if ( retVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION ) { File file = filePromptDialog.getSelectedFile(); String fileName = file.getAbsolutePath(); if ( fileName != null ) { return fileName; } } return null; } /// Converts user text into arrays of String, delimited at newline character /// Also replaces any valid escape sequence with appropriate unicode character /// Support \\UXXXXXX notation for surrogates private String[] parseUserText( String orig ) { int length = orig.length(); StringTokenizer perLine = new StringTokenizer( orig, "\n" ); String textLines[] = new String[ perLine.countTokens() ]; int lineNumber = 0; while ( perLine.hasMoreElements() ) { StringBuffer converted = new StringBuffer(); String oneLine = perLine.nextToken(); int lineLength = oneLine.length(); int prevEscapeEnd = 0; int nextEscape = -1; do { int nextBMPEscape = oneLine.indexOf( "\\u", prevEscapeEnd ); int nextSupEscape = oneLine.indexOf( "\\U", prevEscapeEnd ); nextEscape = (nextBMPEscape < 0) ? ((nextSupEscape < 0) ? -1 : nextSupEscape) : ((nextSupEscape < 0) ? nextBMPEscape : Math.min(nextBMPEscape, nextSupEscape)); if ( nextEscape != -1 ) { if ( prevEscapeEnd < nextEscape ) converted.append( oneLine.substring( prevEscapeEnd, nextEscape )); prevEscapeEnd = nextEscape + (nextEscape == nextBMPEscape ? 6 : 8); try { String hex = oneLine.substring( nextEscape + 2, prevEscapeEnd ); if (nextEscape == nextBMPEscape) { converted.append( (char) Integer.parseInt( hex, 16 )); } else { converted.append( new String( Character.toChars( Integer.parseInt( hex, 16 )))); } } catch ( Exception e ) { int copyLimit = Math.min(lineLength, prevEscapeEnd); converted.append( oneLine.substring( nextEscape, copyLimit )); } } } while (nextEscape != -1); if ( prevEscapeEnd < lineLength ) converted.append( oneLine.substring( prevEscapeEnd, lineLength )); textLines[ lineNumber++ ] = converted.toString(); } return textLines; } /// Reads the text from specified file, detecting UTF-16 encoding /// Then breaks the text into String array, delimited at every line break private void readTextFile( String fileName ) { try { String fileText, textLines[]; BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( fileName )); int numBytes = bis.available(); if (numBytes == 0) { throw new Exception("Text file " + fileName + " is empty"); } byte byteData[] = new byte[ numBytes ]; bis.read( byteData, 0, numBytes ); bis.close(); /// If byte mark is found, then use UTF-16 encoding to convert bytes... if (numBytes >= 2 && (( byteData[0] == (byte) 0xFF && byteData[1] == (byte) 0xFE ) || ( byteData[0] == (byte) 0xFE && byteData[1] == (byte) 0xFF ))) fileText = new String( byteData, "UTF-16" ); /// Otherwise, use system default encoding else fileText = new String( byteData ); int length = fileText.length(); StringTokenizer perLine = new StringTokenizer( fileText, "\n" ); /// Determine "Return Char" used in this file /// This simply finds first occurrence of CR, CR+LF or LF... for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { char iTh = fileText.charAt( i ); if ( iTh == '\r' ) { if ( i < length - 1 && fileText.charAt( i + 1 ) == '\n' ) perLine = new StringTokenizer( fileText, "\r\n" ); else perLine = new StringTokenizer( fileText, "\r" ); break; } else if ( iTh == '\n' ) /// Use the one already created break; } int lineNumber = 0, numLines = perLine.countTokens(); textLines = new String[ numLines ]; while ( perLine.hasMoreElements() ) { String oneLine = perLine.nextToken(); if ( oneLine == null ) /// To make LineBreakMeasurer to return a valid TextLayout /// on an empty line, simply feed it a space char... oneLine = " "; textLines[ lineNumber++ ] = oneLine; } fp.setTextToDraw( fp.FILE_TEXT, null, null, textLines ); rm.setEnabled( false ); methodsMenu.setEnabled( false ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { fireChangeStatus( "ERROR: Failed to Read Text File; See Stack Trace", true ); ex.printStackTrace(); } } /// Returns a String storing current configuration private void writeCurrentOptions( String fileName ) { try { String curOptions = fp.getCurrentOptions(); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( fileName )); /// Prepend title and the option that is only obtainable here int range[] = rm.getSelectedRange(); String completeOptions = ( "Font2DTest Option File\n" + displayGridCBMI.getState() + "\n" + force16ColsCBMI.getState() + "\n" + showFontInfoCBMI.getState() + "\n" + rm.getSelectedItem() + "\n" + range[0] + "\n" + range[1] + "\n" + curOptions + tFileName); byte toBeWritten[] = completeOptions.getBytes( "UTF-16" ); bos.write( toBeWritten, 0, toBeWritten.length ); bos.close(); } catch ( Exception ex ) { fireChangeStatus( "ERROR: Failed to Save Options File; See Stack Trace", true ); ex.printStackTrace(); } } /// Updates GUI visibility/status after some parameters have changed private void updateGUI() { int selectedText = textMenu.getSelectedIndex(); /// Set the visibility of User Text dialog if ( selectedText == fp.USER_TEXT ) userTextDialog.show(); else userTextDialog.hide(); /// Change the visibility/status/availability of Print JDialog buttons printModeCBs[ fp.ONE_PAGE ].setSelected( true ); if ( selectedText == fp.FILE_TEXT || selectedText == fp.USER_TEXT ) { /// ABP /// update methodsMenu to show that TextLayout.draw is being used /// when we are in FILE_TEXT mode if ( selectedText == fp.FILE_TEXT ) methodsMenu.setSelectedItem("TextLayout.draw"); methodsMenu.setEnabled( selectedText == fp.USER_TEXT ); printModeCBs[ fp.CUR_RANGE ].setEnabled( false ); printModeCBs[ fp.ALL_TEXT ].setEnabled( true ); } else { /// ABP /// update methodsMenu to show that drawGlyph is being used /// when we are in ALL_GLYPHS mode if ( selectedText == fp.ALL_GLYPHS ) methodsMenu.setSelectedItem("drawGlyphVector"); methodsMenu.setEnabled( selectedText == fp.RANGE_TEXT ); printModeCBs[ fp.CUR_RANGE ].setEnabled( true ); printModeCBs[ fp.ALL_TEXT ].setEnabled( false ); } /// Modify RangeMenu and fontInfo label availabilty if ( selectedText == fp.RANGE_TEXT ) { fontInfos[1].setVisible( true ); rm.setEnabled( true ); } else { fontInfos[1].setVisible( false ); rm.setEnabled( false ); } } /// Loads saved options and applies them private void loadOptions( String fileName ) { try { BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( fileName )); int numBytes = bis.available(); byte byteData[] = new byte[ numBytes ]; bis.read( byteData, 0, numBytes ); bis.close(); if ( numBytes < 2 || (byteData[0] != (byte) 0xFE || byteData[1] != (byte) 0xFF) ) throw new Exception( "Not a Font2DTest options file" ); String options = new String( byteData, "UTF-16" ); StringTokenizer perLine = new StringTokenizer( options, "\n" ); String title = perLine.nextToken(); if ( !title.equals( "Font2DTest Option File" )) throw new Exception( "Not a Font2DTest options file" ); /// Parse all options boolean displayGridOpt = Boolean.parseBoolean( perLine.nextToken() ); boolean force16ColsOpt = Boolean.parseBoolean( perLine.nextToken() ); boolean showFontInfoOpt = Boolean.parseBoolean( perLine.nextToken() ); String rangeNameOpt = perLine.nextToken(); int rangeStartOpt = Integer.parseInt( perLine.nextToken() ); int rangeEndOpt = Integer.parseInt( perLine.nextToken() ); String fontNameOpt = perLine.nextToken(); int fontSizeOpt = Integer.parseInt( perLine.nextToken() ); int fontStyleOpt = Integer.parseInt( perLine.nextToken() ); int fontTransformOpt = Integer.parseInt( perLine.nextToken() ); int g2TransformOpt = Integer.parseInt( perLine.nextToken() ); int textToUseOpt = Integer.parseInt( perLine.nextToken() ); int drawMethodOpt = Integer.parseInt( perLine.nextToken() ); boolean useAntialiasOpt = Boolean.parseBoolean( perLine.nextToken() ); boolean useFractionalOpt = Boolean.parseBoolean( perLine.nextToken() ); String userTextOpt[] = { "Java2D!" }, dialogEntry = "Java2D!"; if (textToUseOpt == fp.USER_TEXT ) { int numLines = perLine.countTokens(), lineNumber = 0; if ( numLines != 0 ) { userTextOpt = new String[ numLines ]; dialogEntry = ""; for ( ; perLine.hasMoreElements(); lineNumber++ ) { userTextOpt[ lineNumber ] = perLine.nextToken(); dialogEntry += userTextOpt[ lineNumber ] + "\n"; } } } /// Reset GUIs displayGridCBMI.setState( displayGridOpt ); force16ColsCBMI.setState( force16ColsOpt ); showFontInfoCBMI.setState( showFontInfoOpt ); rm.setSelectedRange( rangeNameOpt, rangeStartOpt, rangeEndOpt ); fontMenu.setSelectedItem( fontNameOpt ); sizeField.setText( String.valueOf( fontSizeOpt )); styleMenu.setSelectedIndex( fontStyleOpt ); transformMenu.setSelectedIndex( fontTransformOpt ); transformMenuG2.setSelectedIndex( g2TransformOpt ); textMenu.setSelectedIndex( textToUseOpt ); methodsMenu.setSelectedIndex( drawMethodOpt ); useAntialiasCB.setSelected( useAntialiasOpt ); useFractionalCB.setSelected( useFractionalOpt ); userTextArea.setText( dialogEntry ); updateGUI(); if ( textToUseOpt == fp.FILE_TEXT ) { tFileName = perLine.nextToken(); readTextFile(tFileName ); } /// Reset option variables and repaint fp.loadOptions( displayGridOpt, force16ColsOpt, rangeStartOpt, rangeEndOpt, fontNameOpt, fontSizeOpt, fontStyleOpt, fontTransformOpt, g2TransformOpt, textToUseOpt, drawMethodOpt, useAntialiasOpt, useFractionalOpt, userTextOpt ); if ( showFontInfoOpt ) { fireUpdateFontInfo(); fontInfoDialog.show(); } else fontInfoDialog.hide(); } catch ( Exception ex ) { fireChangeStatus( "ERROR: Failed to Load Options File; See Stack Trace", true ); ex.printStackTrace(); } } /// Loads a previously saved image private void loadComparisonJPEG( String fileName ) { try { BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( fileName )); JPEGImageDecoder jid = JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder( bis ); BufferedImage image = jid.decodeAsBufferedImage(); bis.close(); JFrame f = new JFrame( "Comparison JPEG" ); ImagePanel ip = new ImagePanel( image ); f.setResizable( false ); f.getContentPane().add( ip ); f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) { ( (JFrame) e.getSource() ).dispose(); } }); f.pack(); f.show(); } catch ( Exception ex ) { fireChangeStatus( "ERROR: Failed to Load JPEG File; See Stack Trace", true ); ex.printStackTrace(); } } /// Interface functions... /// ActionListener interface function /// Responds to JMenuItem, JTextField and JButton actions public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { Object source = e.getSource(); if ( source instanceof JMenuItem ) { JMenuItem mi = (JMenuItem) source; String itemName = mi.getLabel(); if ( itemName.equals( "Save Selected Options..." )) { String fileName = promptFile( true, "options.txt" ); if ( fileName != null ) writeCurrentOptions( fileName ); } else if ( itemName.equals( "Load Options..." )) { String fileName = promptFile( false, "options.txt" ); if ( fileName != null ) loadOptions( fileName ); } else if ( itemName.equals( "Save as JPEG..." )) { String fileName = promptFile( true, fontMenu.getSelectedItem() + ".jpeg" ); if ( fileName != null ) fp.doSaveJPEG( fileName ); } else if ( itemName.equals( "Load JPEG File to Compare..." )) { String fileName = promptFile( false, null ); if ( fileName != null ) loadComparisonJPEG( fileName ); } else if ( itemName.equals( "Page Setup..." )) fp.doPageSetup(); else if ( itemName.equals( "Print..." )) printDialog.show(); else if ( itemName.equals( "Close" )) parent.dispose(); else if ( itemName.equals( "Exit" )) System.exit(0); } else if ( source instanceof JTextField ) { JTextField tf = (JTextField) source; int sz = 12; try { sz = Integer.parseInt(sizeField.getText()); if (sz < 1 || sz > 120) { sz = 12; sizeField.setText("12"); } } catch (Exception se) { sizeField.setText("12"); } if ( tf == sizeField ) fp.setFontParams( fontMenu.getSelectedItem(), sz, styleMenu.getSelectedIndex(), transformMenu.getSelectedIndex() ); } else if ( source instanceof JButton ) { String itemName = ( (JButton) source ).getLabel(); /// Print dialog buttons... if ( itemName.equals( "Print" )) { for ( int i = 0; i < printModeCBs.length; i++ ) if ( printModeCBs[i].isSelected() ) { printDialog.hide(); fp.doPrint( i ); } } else if ( itemName.equals( "Cancel" )) printDialog.hide(); /// Update button from Usert Text JDialog... else if ( itemName.equals( "Update" )) fp.setTextToDraw( fp.USER_TEXT, null, parseUserText( userTextArea.getText() ), null ); } else if ( source instanceof JComboBox ) { JComboBox c = (JComboBox) source; /// RangeMenu handles actions by itself and then calls fireRangeChanged, /// so it is not listed or handled here if ( c == fontMenu || c == styleMenu || c == transformMenu ) fp.setFontParams( fontMenu.getSelectedItem(), Integer.parseInt(sizeField.getText()), styleMenu.getSelectedIndex(), transformMenu.getSelectedIndex() ); else if ( c == methodsMenu ) fp.setDrawMethod( methodsMenu.getSelectedIndex() ); else if ( c == textMenu ) { int selected = textMenu.getSelectedIndex(); if ( selected == fp.RANGE_TEXT ) fp.setTextToDraw( fp.RANGE_TEXT, rm.getSelectedRange(), null, null ); else if ( selected == fp.USER_TEXT ) fp.setTextToDraw( fp.USER_TEXT, null, parseUserText( userTextArea.getText() ), null ); else if ( selected == fp.FILE_TEXT ) { String fileName = promptFile( false, null ); if ( fileName != null ) { tFileName = fileName; readTextFile( fileName ); } else { /// User cancelled selection; reset to previous choice c.setSelectedIndex( currentTextChoice ); return; } } else if ( selected == fp.ALL_GLYPHS ) fp.setTextToDraw( fp.ALL_GLYPHS, null, null, null ); updateGUI(); currentTextChoice = selected; } else if ( c == transformMenuG2 ) { fp.setTransformG2( transformMenuG2.getSelectedIndex() ); } } } /// ItemListener interface function /// Responds to JCheckBoxMenuItem, JComboBox and JCheckBox actions public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e ) { Object source = e.getSource(); if ( source instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem ) { JCheckBoxMenuItem cbmi = (JCheckBoxMenuItem) source; if ( cbmi == displayGridCBMI ) fp.setGridDisplay( displayGridCBMI.getState() ); else if ( cbmi == force16ColsCBMI ) fp.setForce16Columns( force16ColsCBMI.getState() ); else if ( cbmi == showFontInfoCBMI ) { if ( showFontInfoCBMI.getState() ) { fireUpdateFontInfo(); fontInfoDialog.show(); } else fontInfoDialog.hide(); } } else if ( source instanceof JCheckBox ) { fp.setRenderingHints( useAntialiasCB.isSelected(), useFractionalCB.isSelected() ); } } /// Main function public static void main(String argv[]) { final JFrame f = new JFrame( "Font2DTest" ); final Font2DTest f2dt = new Font2DTest( f, false ); f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowOpening( WindowEvent e ) { f2dt.repaint(); } public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) { System.exit(0); } }); f.getContentPane().add( f2dt ); f.pack(); f.show(); } /// Inner class definitions... /// Class to display just an image file /// Used to show the comparison JPEG image private final class ImagePanel extends JPanel { private final BufferedImage bi; public ImagePanel( BufferedImage image ) { bi = image; } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension( bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight() ); } public void paintComponent( Graphics g ) { g.drawImage( bi, 0, 0, this ); } } /// Classes made to avoid repetitive calls... (being lazy) private final class ButtonV2 extends JButton { public ButtonV2( String name, ActionListener al ) { super( name ); this.setFont( labelFont ); this.addActionListener( al ); } } private final class ChoiceV2 extends JComboBox { public ChoiceV2() {;} public ChoiceV2( ActionListener al ) { super(); this.addActionListener( al ); } } private final class LabelV2 extends JLabel { public LabelV2( String name ) { super( name ); this.setFont( labelFont ); } } private final class MenuItemV2 extends JMenuItem { public MenuItemV2( String name, ActionListener al ) { super( name ); this.addActionListener( al ); } } private final class CheckboxMenuItemV2 extends JCheckBoxMenuItem { public CheckboxMenuItemV2( String name, boolean b, ItemListener il ) { super( name, b ); this.addItemListener( il ); } } }